Click here to see my photo album of our Sedona visit.
Day four started with breakfast at the airport cafe on Airport Mesa then a presentation by a one-Tom Dongo. Tom, our guest for the day, was billed as a "Paranormal or UFO expert" on a few places on the Internet that I visited prior to the trip, and when I went to Tom's web page in the weeks prior to the tour I was dismayed to see a multitude of pictures of orbs. Orbs, orbs, and more orbs. Now, to say I'm not a believer in orbs is an understatement. I do believe that a very tiny percentage of orbs are paranormal in nature but 99.9999% of every single orb caught on camera and claimed to be a paranormal phenomenon is 100% bullshit. I guess it's my understanding of digital photography and what causes an orb, and how the little computer within the camera interprets dust, moisture, and insects, attribute to my disbelief in orbs as being spirits of the dead, but believers do NOT want to hear that their captured image of proof of the existence of life after death is actually just a little bit of the most common element on Earth....dirt. Believers in orbs tend to get offended at that, but before I get off on a rant about orbs, back to Tom.
Our group sat on a small outlook that was part of our resort, peering out over Sedona while Tom sat near a table, holding a backpack in his lap the entire time. He had with him a binder of pictures that he would juggle, flipping to the page he would want to show us as he told us his presentation, (overall Travis Walton did a better job with his slide-show presentation). Tony had introduced Van and I to Tom as ghost hunters so Tom, at the start of his presentation, made a comment about how we would "understand" what he was talking about on a variety of his subject matters. And off he went.
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Tom Dongo during his presentation. |
Tom showed us pictures of some rather mundane things that he was pawning off as being paranormal. For instance he showed us a picture of a dog, a Husky by the look of the animal, and in the picture the dog's eyes were "glowing" (see below). As soon as I saw the picture I thought, "Oh, what a beautiful Husky," oh but Tom had a different interpretation for it. According to Tom a friend of his and some other people were out in the desert when they came across this animal at night and took some pictures, including the one he was showing us. The friend stated that the animal did not run, it did not flee, simply regarded the people as they moved past with mild interest, (I'm thinking "pet" here all-day-long! A pet would be accustomed to people and not run when it saw humans. der!). Now, according to Tom, this animal was actually a Timber Wolf!, a species of wolf who had been extinct in the Sedona area for many decades and that he had shown the picture to an "eye surgeon" who said that it was impossible for an animals eyes to glow "like that." I think this so-called eye surgeon needs to have his own fucking vision checked! Later I tried to do some serious research in how to tell a Husky from a Wolf and came up pretty thin. I'd thought there would be bone structure differences and such but I found answers such as, "A Husky is tame. A Wolf isn't." Jenius. Nevertheless, Tom's paranormal Timber Wolf picture and the story that accompanied it, I found to be utter bullshit. What I saw in that picture was a Husky who's retina were reflecting back the flash from a camera to create a below. Anybody who owns a dog will know what I'm talking about. Sorry, Tom. Not paranormal.
Tom's "Timber Wolf" picture above. Puppy Timber Wolves (aka, my dogs) below. Now that's paranormal! |
Well the presentation went on and the claims became more and more outrageous as it did. A few things about Tom that Van and I both noticed; Van pointed out that Tom appeared to have an "expert" for everything, such as the "eye surgeon" who analyzed the Husky photo. I also noticed that when Tom wanted to validate something, something usually absurd, he would look you in the eye and say very dramatically and with the appropriate pause before hand, "That's real. Oh yeah, that's real."
Tom was obsessed with orbs and he showed us countless pictures of them. I'd imagine that living in the desert you'd get a lot of orbs in pictures since it's so dry and dusty, but some of his more outrages claims where that you could see faces in the orbs. Another claim was that he'd seen a picture of an orb that had a little door, or portal, within it and a tiny alien was either climbing out or in of the orb. An alien climbing in or out of the orb?? Like it's a little tiny spacecraft??!! later on I told this claim to a friend of mine and his expression in response looked like I'd just shit in his hand. Now, for as ridiculous as this sounds you have to keep in mind that Dongo was 100% serious in these claims. I had heard the "faces" claim before in my years of ghost hunting, with some people claiming that the face of Jesus or Mary appeared to them within orbs, but the orb with the tiny door and alien had me crapping my pants. After his barrage of orb pictures, Tom produced several other pictures of supposed paranormal activity, such as the Husky picture, and many light-reflecting pictures taken with the Sun in the shot. These reflecting pictures were supposed to show angels descending from Heaven and I have to admit some of them looked pretty amusing, but when you're taking a picture of the Sun the light and heat are going to play no-end of tricks on your film and camera. As we went on Tom just kept shitting claims out of his mouth about himself and Sedona, almost as if a flying saucer was going to appear behind him and puke out several orbs that were going to fly around Tom's head while he spoke.
Near the end of his presentation Tom produced two more astounding (and when I say "astounding" I mean bullshit) photographs. I can't recall the details surrounding the first one, I think I blanked them out in my utter disbelief of the claim around it, but it was a picture of Jesus Christ walking along someone else in a robe, an apostle, perhaps, seemingly discussing something. The claim was that this was an actual photograph of Jesus Christ. Of course Tom "validated" the claim by saying he'd had a religious expert look at the picture and that this expert was unable to explain or disprove the photograph. Now I was born and raised Lutheran and I've seen no-end of religious artwork very very very similar to what Tom showed us, typically on the bulletins of Easter or Lent church services, but Tom was convinced this was an actual photograph of Jesus Christ taken in modern day, or at least he was trying to convince us it was.
Finally Tom showed us a picture of an alien that was very high quality in design and execution. This item looked like an Olan Mills photograph, a large profile picture of the alien as it was holding up it's hand as if to say, "Howdy," with a soft-light source streaming in from the side to display the image of the being. Tom claimed this was a genuine photograph of an alien. Although it was an impressive picture I seriously doubted it was a genuine alien photograph. My suspicions were realized later on during the tour when we went to the Little Al'e'Inn and there, on the wall of the Inn, was the same picture. Well, Tom, seems someone copied your picture of Klatu!
During the presentation I kept my thoughts and beliefs to myself, only asking the question of what type of camera Tom and his associates used to capture the orbs. I knew the answer before he told it, that he used the cheapest point-and-shoot camera's he could find because they produced the most orbs. "Produced" is right. Outside of that I didn't attack his claims or question them, mostly because there were a few people in our group who seemed to be genuinely interested or even believing of Tom's claims, and since they were on this tour to enjoy it as much as I was I didn't think it would be right to attack one of the guests and piss on everybody else's parade.
Not-so here on my own blog. The claims that Tom was shitting out of his mouth were absurd and I can honestly say they were the most absurd I'd ever heard some one say to me face-to-face. Later that night Tony approached Van and I and asked what we thought of Tom's claims. I looked Tony in the eye and with an enormous amount of self-restraint said, "I'm skeptical about most of it." Tony nodded as if he expected the answer from me.
As Tom's presentation ended we packed up and drove out to the desert. I honestly can't remember why we went where we went but Tom said it had some sort of paranormal link. When we got there we had to park in a lot a fair ways distant from the actual location and no one on the tour was too interested in hiking the distance to the location itself. Actually I think Tom said we couldn't get there, maybe because the government had shut it down or something like that. Oh well, it was still a nice drive into the desert and it had been a pleasant day, weather-wise. We did some more activities during the day in Sedona which I'll relate in my next post, but since this one is so long I'll break here to avoid boring you. And if you're Tom Dongo....sorry Tom, but I disagree with many, if not all, of your claims, buddy.
Click here for my photo album of pictures taken during our day in Sedona.
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